HAVE you ever wondered just how many volunteers are required to help pull together the Harbour Festival each year? The answer is: a lot.
The Gladstone Festival and Events team is already looking for volunteers and committee members to join them in the lead-up to August, when planning for next year's Harbour Festival will begin.
Gladstone Festival and Events co-ordinator for Harbour Festival Nicola Scurr said they were looking for as many volunteers as possible to join their team.
Committee members are asked to attend meetings throughout the year and also volunteer their time for all events run by Gladstone Festival and Events.
Volunteers are invited to help with as many events as they can.
"It is a huge operation and it wouldn't operate without volunteers,” Miss Scurr said.
Next year will mark 58 years of the Harbour Festival in Gladstone, which is free to the community, and the team wants to keep the festival going for as long as possible.
"It takes a lot of manpower and a lot of hours to produce that festival each year for the community ... and we want it to continue on in the future,” Miss Scurr said.
"We want to start early to get some great ideas and to really build a strong team.
"It's a great organisation to be a part of and we all have a blast organising Gladstone's most renowned festival.”
Voluntary secretary for Gladstone Festival and Events Meg Warner said there are currently 15 active volunteer committee members, but they are looking for "younger folks” to take over.
"Our ranks are thinning as we are getting older,” Mrs Warner said.
"We need younger community volunteers to step up and take over the reins to take our festival into the future.
"More hands make lighter work.”